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  • Climate Proofers: Paul Munday on Corporate Adaptation Planning

Climate Proofers: Paul Munday on Corporate Adaptation Planning

Hear from experts on the cutting-edge of adaptation & resilience

Programming note: Climate Proofers is back from vacation! Apologies to those expecting this episode on Tuesday as previously advertised. We’ll be back to a Tuesday posting schedule as of next week.

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“Proper planning prevents poor performance.” It’s a cheesy axiom, but one that happens to be correct. With extreme weather events on the rise, and slow onset climate risks on the march, it makes sense that organizations of all shapes and sizes are making plans in response.

S& Global Rating’s Dr Paul Munday has been at the forefront of research into company-level climate adaptation plans, and recently co-authored an in-depth report on the current state of play.

This found that just 21% of companies have adaptation plans, and that less than half of these have implementation timelines of 10 years or less.

Is this evidence that too few companies are taking climate risks seriously? A sign that adaptation and resilience are still emerging concepts in the private sector? Or a reflection of the difficulties involved with putting together climate risk assessments and articulating effective responses?

In today’s Climate Proofers, Paul and Louie discuss the findings of the report and unpack additional research by S&P on sovereign and municipal climate risks.

Listen below, download from the Podcasts page on Climate Proof, or tune in via Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

We talk about:

👉 The top findings of the S&P report on company adaptation plans

👉 Which sectors are behind on adaptation planning

👉 The state of company-level climate physical risk assessments

👉 What factors could drive more companies to embrace adaptation planning

👉 What climate risks mean for countries’ GDP

Future guests include Kit England of Paul Watkiss Associates, Nancy Watkins of Milliman, and Alex Kennedy of Standard Chartered.

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Thanks for listening!

Louie Woodall